How Many Sides Does a Gazebo Have? [ANSWERED]

Gazebo with landscaping showing example of how to eliminate grass from mulch

This is a confusing question because there are so many different styles of gazebo, and if you want to be sure of what gazebo you want, you need to know if there are rules for which gazebo has how many sides. Besides, there are many structures similar to a gazebo and it’s possible what you thought was just a 4-sided gazebo was actually a pavilion. So how many sides does a gazebo have?

Do Moose Have Ivory Teeth? [NO, IT’S MADE OF THIS]

moose with open mouth showing teeth

Moose do not have ivory teeth. Their teeth are made of calcium, phosphorus, some dentine, and enamel, just like many other creatures, including humans. However, other members of the deer family, most famously Elk, do in fact have ivory teeth, but it isn’t their entire jaw that is made of ivory, only two teeth are. … Read More