Will Jumping on a Trampoline Help You Lose Weight? [ANSWERED]

Jumping on a trampoline exercises the whole body by producing a G-Force that helps build muscle and burn fat quickly. It firms up every part of your body from your arms to your legs and can even help your balance and agility! Jumping on a trampoline can also be an excellent cardio workout and can help improve your overall core strength and stability.

Maybe you’re looking for a way to lose weight but you’re wondering if jumping on a trampoline will be an effective exercise, especially given its fun nature. Will it help and what activities can you do using it to successfully shed the excess pounds?

While jumping, there are many moves or exercises you can do to help improve your weight loss and to build a fun and effective routine. Read on, and find out just how to make the most of this wonderful invention.

small trampoline next to large

Related Reading: Will Jumping on a Trampoline Build Bone Density?

How Jumping on A Trampoline Can Help You lose weight

Jumping on a trampoline has been proven as an effective, and fun, way to lose weight and build muscle and strength at the same time. It is suitable for all age groups, as well as all mobility groups, meaning that even those with limited movement in their joints and muscles can benefit from a trampoline-based workout.

It targets every area of your body at once, making it one of the best ways to exercise.

Trampoline Exercises for Weight Loss

Here are some proven and effective exercises to help you reach your goals:

For Beginners

Ab Rocks: Simple and easy to follow, this method has shown the best results for building the abdominal muscles and reducing belly fat. You will need a mini-trampoline to successfully perform this exercise.

To perform: Lay down on your back, bring your legs up, bent as though you are sitting on a chair Hold this position, then slowly start rocking back and forth as though you are doing ab-crunches. Your feet should NOT touch the floor as you move.

Our recommendation is 2-to-3 sets of 15-to-20 reps.

Glute Bridges: Typically found in yoga routines, this method targets your core and butt muscles without much strain. You will need a large enough trampoline in order to complete this exercise.

To perform: Start by laying down, with your knees bent and spread hip-width apart. Ensure your feet are flat on the surface and that your palms are face down at your sides for support and balance. Slowly raise your hips to make a bridge, and flex your abdominal muscles as tight as you can. Hold this position for 3-to-5 seconds before slowly returning to the surface.

We suggest 3 sets of 10-to-12 reps each for an effective work-out. Make sure to breathe between each rep and take breaks as needed.

Jumping Jacks: A favorite amongst kids, this exercise is perfect for beginners and is a perfect cardio workout. This method targets your back, leg, and core muscles as well as extra fat.

To perform: Stand on the trampoline with your feet together and your hands at your side. Now jump, spreading your legs apart and raising your hands above your head. Jump once again to return to the starting position.

We suggest doing this for 2-to-3 minutes as a warm-up routine, however, you can include this in your full regime, adding 3-to-4 sets for an effective work-out.

family jumping on trampoline in backyard

For the Experts

Knee tucks: This exercise focuses on the lower core muscle and leg muscles. You will need a large trampoline, at least 5 to 6 feet in diameter with a safety net for this activity as it requires a high jump.

To perform: Start by standing in the middle of your trampoline. Jump high into the air, and tuck your knees into your belly or chest area. Touch your fingers to your feet or ankles before landing again.

As this is not a task for beginners, we recommend no more than 3 sets of 10-to-15 reps each. Be sure to take a break between each set.

Pike Jumps: This is no activity for beginners and can be challenging to even the most experienced of jumpers. This task will challenge the strength and stability of your core muscles whilst helping to build your back, core, and leg muscles.

To Perform: Place your feet firmly on the trampoline, then jump once and land. Now jump with more pressure, raising your legs straight to a 90-degree angle, or as far as you can reach. Safely land on your feet and do it again.

Ensure you perform this task with a safety net or safety equipment. We suggest doing no more than 5 reps at a time. As you build your core muscles, you can begin to add more.

Jump squats: This is an excellent activity for building core, leg, and butt muscles but we don’t recommend it for complete beginners as it is easy to make mistakes and potentially injure yourself.

To perform: Stand in an upright position with your arms to your chest as though to pray. Slowly lower yourself into a squat until your knees reach a 90-degree angle, or as far as you can go. Now return to a stand, putting pressure on your feet to jump Land in the squat position and repeat.

As this is a high-impact exercise, we suggest no more than 3 reps of 8-to-15 squats each, with a 20-to-60 second break between each rep.

For Seniors or Those in need of a low-impact routine

One Leg Raises: As the name implies, this method involves exercising one leg at a time. While staying low-impact, this activity helps build thigh, calf, and abdominal muscles

To perform: Begin by laying down face up on the trampoline, Ensure you keep your hand’s palm side down on the surface. Slowly and steadily raise each leg individually before lowering it back down. Rotate between your legs, ensuring you keep a steady and consistent speed.

We recommend doing 1-to-2 sets of 15-to-20 raises per leg. This exercise can also be performed by raising both legs at a time. This method will be easier on the muscles, but will not be as effective.

Jogging: This is perhaps the simplest of our recommendations but arguably still very effective. This exercise targets the leg, butt, and core muscles and focuses on cardio strengthening and development. 

To perform: Start by standing upright on the trampoline, with your arms to your side. Then raise each leg as though to run, then simply jog in place. Pump each arm continuously as you jog to help maintain your balance.

We suggest doing this in 1-to-5-minute bursts so as to not put too much pressure on your joints or muscles. Be sure to take a 5-to-10-minute break between each burst.

Running: Running may seem a very demanding activity but we have our reasons for our selections. Running on a trampoline is 3X more effective than running on a treadmill. What we mean is, that running on a trampoline for 5 minutes is equivalent to running for 15 minutes on a treadmill. This is due to the range of motion inflicted on the body.

To perform: Start by standing on the trampoline with your legs spread apart to your comfort, preferably hip-width apart. Start running in place, moving/pumping your arms along with your legs. Take steps forwards and backward as you run in place.

We suggest doing this in a 1-to-3 minute burst but if you wish to go further/longer you may, just be sure to not over-exert yourself and take breaks when and as needed.

For Children

The Rowboat: Easier than a plank, the rowboat is a crucial exercise to build core strength in both adults and children.

To perform: Have your child lay face up and raise their legs. Now raise the chest, attempting to reach their toes but not grasp them. Have them hold this position as long as possible then relax and repeat.

Jump Kicks: This activity works wonders for leg muscle development.

To perform: Have your child jump up and down then extend their legs as though to kick. Land safely with both feet firmly on the trampoline. Repeat with each leg.

This activity can be done to your child’s liking.

Related Reading: Trampoline Therapy Is Great for Children With ADHD & Autism – Here’s Why

How to ensure safety during exercise

  1. Stay Hydrated: Always keep a bottle of cool water nearby to prevent dehydration.
  2. Use Equipment: Use of nets, bars, and even padded mats can ensure minimal injury and add an air of safety.
  3. Do not push yourself: Overdoing it can lead to muscle breakdown or injury. Listen to your body and stop when you feel you cannot physically go any further.
  4. Take plenty of breaks: Taking time to cool off and relax during reps can prevent dehydration and help build and refresh your muscles.

Related Reading: Should Trampolines Be Banned? [THE DEBATE CONTINUES]

Jumping on a trampoline is a great workout

Simply put, a trampoline is a versatile and effective exercise tool. It’s a fun activity and can be used by anyone. Whether you are looking to be more active during the day or for a full workout routine, it’s a great place to start. 

We suggest having a trampoline that is 5-to-6 feet in diameter with a safety net or support bar to prevent injury. A larger outdoor trampoline will also work well; however, you may be restricted by the weather. Happy bouncing!

Continue Reading: Can You Use a Trampoline in the Winter? [ANSWERED]