How to Keep Coyotes Out of Your Backyard [FOR GOOD]

Wild Coyote standing on rock near backyard

You can keep coyotes away from your backyard by removing all potential food items like trash or pet bowls, trimming bushes and shrubs for hiding, installing motion-activated bright lights, installing a motion-activated sprinkler system, or building a fence-high fences make good barriers.

How Much Oil Does a Pressure Washer Take?

pressure washer on driveway

The average amount of oil a pressure washer takes is about 5 ounces (per cycle). This holds true for gas-powered pressure washers however there are electric pressure washers that may require less or even none at all. Make sure to check your user’s manual for the exact amount.

9 Fun Things to Do With A Pressure Washer

young man about to have fun with pressure washer

Fortunately, there are many other fun ways to use pressure washers. It’s time to consider this as a multi-purpose tool that you can use all around the house. Keep reading to pick up some new ideas in this list of lesser-known fun things to do with a pressure washer.

Do Squirrels Eat Bird Eggs? [ANSWERED]

squirrel eating out of feeder

Squirrels are omnivorous, which means they consume both meat and plant products, and thus, they will eat birds’ eggs. Their primary diet consists of acorns, pines, tree bark, nuts, seeds, and insects. Squirrels can be sighted stealing eggs from chicken coops and unattended bird nests in trees.

How Hot Does a Fire Pit Get? [FUEL SOURCE DIFFERENCES]

fire pit extremely hot with red embers

Fire pits are a great way to move your living space outdoors all year round or warm a small indoor space. They are functionally designed and come in many shapes, sizes, materials, and designs. Fire pits are great for hosting parties, roasting marshmallows, enjoying family time while keeping warm, or creating an inviting atmosphere with the dancing orange flames.