Covered Fire Pits – Complete Buyer’s Guide & Tips

covered firepit close up in backyard

Are you going to pick a portable fire pit for the deck or a large built-in fire pit that grabs all the attention? Round or square, fire brick or cast iron? Read our guide to make sure you get the basics right. After that, it’s fairly simple to get the perfect fire pit for your needs and budget!

How Big Is 100 Acres Of Land [HELPFUL EXAMPLES]

100 acres of land estimate

You’ve just had some good news. A relative has gifted you with 100 acres of land. That sounds huge, but you aren’t sure how big 100 acres is. Let us enlighten you. We’ll give you an idea of how gigantic the land is by offering comparative examples.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? Do They Even Sleep?

squirrel resting and sleeping on concrete ledge

Ground squirrels are burrowers and sleep in underground dens. Tree squirrels and flying squirrels prefer to transform cavities in trees or other structures into snug squirrel nests or dens. If they cannot find a suitable cavity to convert into a den, they will construct a woven dray high up in a tree fork or a clump of branches, where they can sleep safely.