Jumping on a trampoline is a great pastime and leisure hobby for many people. However, they remain concerned about the possible injuries this jumping may cause.
For example, there can be concerns regarding the effect of trampoline jumping on your knees and legs. However, a significant area of concern for people is their neck.
Can you break your neck on a trampoline? Yes, there is a risk of breaking your neck while using a trampoline. In fact, trampolines cause around 100,000 injuries every year, often requiring visits to the emergency room.
Head and neck trampoline injuries are more serious compared to all other trampoline injuries. The main reason for this seriousness is that breaking your neck may cause permanent neurological or cervical spine damage.
Read on to understand how you may break your neck on a trampoline and the main ways to limit the possibility of this injury from occurring.
Frankly, there are definitely increased chances for a trampoline user to break their neck if they handle the jumping inadequately or don’t take the necessary safety precautions.
Many sports and outdoor activities have risks involved with them and there is no complete limit to the possibility of something going wrong, but it can still be beneficial for kids to have a trampoline.

How Does Your Neck Break While Using A Trampoline?
A fractured neck may be a result of multiple handling and usage issues during your trampoline jumping.
Here are some of the most common reasons for a broken neck during a trampoline accident:
Many people tend to perform backflips as a display of their skill on the trampoline. Such a display is intriguing if you can handle your weight and body mass correctly.
However, novice jumpers may not have the necessary skills to ensure such handling.
Instead, they usually end up landing on their head, causing a headache or even a permanent injury to their vertebra.
Sudden Jerk
In some other cases, you may end up breaking your neck on the trampoline by a sudden jerk to your neck. Such a jerk or pressure may occur due to handling issues, landing on your neck, or striking a side structure.
In each case, either your neck disks displace, or your neck muscles break completely.
Head Impact
Sometimes, your neck may break due to a severe impact on your head.
Thus, a head injury may also result in a serious neck injury.
Usually, doctors perform an x-ray of any trampoline victim’s neck who initially suffered from a concussion.
Dangerous Stunts
Other reasons for a neck injury while performing stunts may occur during cartwheels and somersaults.
Such trampoline injuries result in numerous hospital admissions every year.
Jumping In Groups
Another major issue with trampolines occurs in their usage with groups of people. Sometimes, people are jumping on the same trampoline together.
One common example of this jumping is in the trampoline parks.
Here, many children and adults are jumping concurrently and near each other.
Thus, a collision may directly impact the neck area of the victim. Additionally, the person may lose their balance during a mid-air collision and end up falling on their neck.
Nearby Objects
However, the exact nature of the injury does not depend on the trampoline jump alone.
Many users inquire whether it is necessary that a trampoline mishandling will cause a severe injury to the jumper.
The answer is not always in the affirmative.
Instead, multiple factors collectively result in a severe neck injury. One such factor is the closeness of any solid object near the trampoline.
Trampoline Surface
Similarly, the surface of the trampoline itself is a major determinant. If the surface is soft, the person falling on their head may not break their neck.
Instead, they may suffer minor injuries or a displaced muscle.
However, if the subsurface is hard, the jumper may sustain serious and permanent neck injuries.
Usually, the subsurface is harder in professional trampolines where the focus is to jump as high as possible.
Such high jumps increase the possibility of performing complex stunts.
How to avoid a trampoline-based neck injury?
Proper precautions and care during the usage can help reduce the chances of you breaking your neck during a trampoline accident.
Here are some of the main precautions you must follow:
Safety Equipment
It’s a good idea to wear safety equipment before jumping on a trampoline, especially for beginners.
Most people, especially children, tend to avoid wearing this equipment as it may reduce the jump’s fun element.
However, such equipment, such as neck safety gear or trampoline netting, helps absorb the shocks and pressure from the jumps and landings.
Additionally, they can protect you in case you lose your balance and fall into an awkward situation.
Always take proper training and practice rigorously before performing a stunt. Most children tend to rush in and perform stunts to impress others around them.
Instead, it is preferable if you spend enough time practicing a stunt under a professional teacher before performing it.
This way, your handling, balance, and execution remain perfect, and the chances of breaking your neck reduce manifold.
Adequate Space
Always have enough area around you. If you find a place where many people are already jumping, try checking for another spot.
Performing trampoline stunts near other people put both you and the other people at risk of trampoline neck injuries, so make sure your trampoline is big enough.
Avoid Jumping Off Trampoline
Never jump on to the ground directly from the trampoline. Instead, reduce your jump height and then walk off the trampoline. This can happen more frequently on trampolines with basketball hoops.
Your body is not ready to absorb a direct shock from a ground-based landing while you are constantly performing trampoline jumps.
You may lose balance and break your neck. Instead, walking off the trampoline prevents the chances of such neck injuries.
Ground Level
Make sure you use your trampoline on level ground. You can even sink your trampoline into the ground to reduce the height of it.
An inclined trampoline may lose balance itself when you jump on it.
Consequently, you may be thrown off the trampoline onto a hard surface, causing permanent neck damage.
Inspection and Maintenance
Inspect your trampoline for its safety and quality before stepping on it. Trampolines wear out very quickly due to the nature of their use.
Avoid jumping on a trampoline that is damaged. Otherwise, you may face a lasting neck injury.
Trampoline jumping is fun and a great pastime.
However, you must follow proper precautions and safety measures to ensure that this fun activity does not end up hurting you, especially something serious like breaking your neck.
With the right safety measures in place and addressing the risks associated with trampoline jumping, it can become a regular form of fun and activity in your outdoor space for years to come.