How to Keep Coyotes Out of Your Backyard [FOR GOOD]

Wild Coyote standing on rock near backyard

You can keep coyotes away from your backyard by removing all potential food items like trash or pet bowls, trimming bushes and shrubs for hiding, installing motion-activated bright lights, installing a motion-activated sprinkler system, or building a fence-high fences make good barriers.

Do Squirrels Eat Bird Eggs? [ANSWERED]

squirrel eating out of feeder

Squirrels are omnivorous, which means they consume both meat and plant products, and thus, they will eat birds’ eggs. Their primary diet consists of acorns, pines, tree bark, nuts, seeds, and insects. Squirrels can be sighted stealing eggs from chicken coops and unattended bird nests in trees.

Do Moose Have Ivory Teeth? [NO, IT’S MADE OF THIS]

moose with open mouth showing teeth

Moose do not have ivory teeth. Their teeth are made of calcium, phosphorus, some dentine, and enamel, just like many other creatures, including humans. However, other members of the deer family, most famously Elk, do in fact have ivory teeth, but it isn’t their entire jaw that is made of ivory, only two teeth are. … Read More

7 Beetles in Wisconsin – What to Know & How to Spot!

Acorn Weevil Beetle

In this short, handy guide, we will be going over 7 of the most common, distinctive, or otherwise essential-to-know beetles native to the state of Wisconsin, which include: Acorn Weevil Khapra Beetle Firefly Dogbane Beetle Stag Beetle Goldenrod Soldier Beetle Tiger Beetle As one of the Great Lakes states, Wisconsin is home to a stunning … Read More

Are Mosquitoes Bad in Alaska? [FIND OUT!]

swarm of Mosquitoes in Alaska near still water

Mosquitoes are annoying no matter where you are. Horrible, buzzy little nuisances which serve only as a food source to much cuter things. But mosquitoes are infamous for crossing the line from annoying into dangerous, arriving in frightening swarms, like they are said to do in Alaska. So, in regard to Alaska, how bad are mosquitoes?